Muscle suit contributes to improve the working environment Leading to satisfaction of customers 【 Supermarket Kasumi 】
Supermarket Kasumi, operating 188 supermarkets in eastern Japan, has introduced "Muscle Suit Every" from employee's voice about improving the working environment and the burden. Warehouse staffs were suffering from lower back pain as the work includes lifting and loading up to 20kg of boxes. This work need to be repeated 100 to 200 times a day therefore staffs had to rest time to time to handle this heavy duty. To prevent getting injuries, several staffs stood up to make a proposal to the executive to introduce "Muscle Suit Every".
Before officially introducing the Muscle Suit, staffs have done several trials and made documents of evaluation as shown in the left picture. They have evaluated items such as usability, level of burden reduced, time taken to wear etc , and have rated 4.4 points out of 5 points. Muscle Suit greatly showed the effectiveness and was shortly introduced.
After the introduction of muscle suit, staffs realized that they did not need to take rest time to time so the work efficiency was greatly enhanced. One staff suffering from his lower back pain for 20 years expressed that "it was like getting an additional muscle".
"If our staff is not fit and happy, customers will not be satisfied. Customers can feel these kind of things", store manager says. In supermarkets, more than half of the work are done in the warehouse where customers do not see when they come to the shops. It is likely that improvements for warehouse staffs were not properly considered since they are not visible to customers. Muscle Suit could support one of the main operation in the supermarket industry. Investment to reduce lower back burden is small and very effective to enhance work efficiency and protect health of employees.